Thank you for your interest in Greenhills! Did you know Greenhills is one of three federally planned and constructed greenbelt communities in the nation? Developed by the government in the 1930’s, the purpose of the federal greenbelt project was to supply jobs and to offer an escape from the congested inner city neighborhoods through the construction of a small town with plenty of park-like areas surrounded by a greenbelt. Greenhills still provides that peaceful respite!  Of the three greenbelt communities, Greenhills is the only one that has maintained its greenbelt, giving its residents and businesses a very unique setting.

The oldest portion of Greenhills – which includes the Village Center which is also our business district – was entered into the National Register of Historic Places in 1989, and in 2016 was designated a NATIONAL HISTORIC LANDMARK.  The designation was based on the community’s planning and development.  The original “garden city” plan remains intact: curving streets, walking paths that all lead to the Village Center, and the encircling greenbelt.






Whether you are going to locate a business in Greenhills or remodel/renovate/repair your current space in Greenhills, always start by obtaining a Certificate of Zoning Compliance. All uses of property within Greenhills require approval of the Village of Greenhills. Completing and submitting the application of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance (available by clicking here) gives the Village the opportunity to review your plan and point you towards your next steps.



All construction activity to enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert, or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical, or plumbing system requires a Building Permit.

Will you need to make any changes to the space you want to occupy?

If the answer is YES, you will need to complete the Building Permit application form and submit it with the appropriate attachments to Greenhills. The application is available by clicking here.

If the answer is NO, you need to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy.  To do this you will need to complete a Building Permit application and submit it to Greenhills along with a sketch of the floor plan indicating how the space will be used, the size of the rooms, the location of exit doors, etc.  After submittal and review, an inspection will be done by both the Building Department and the Fire Department to verify that no serious hazards are present and all like safety devices (fire extinguishers, emergency lighting, exit signs and fire suppression systems, etc.) are properly functioning.





Temporary signs may only be erected after approval by the Village and for a limited period of time. To obtain approval, complete this Zoning Compliance application and provide a sketch of the proposed temporary signage. Identify the length of time the temporary signage is needed, not to exceed 30 days.


A business may put up a sign not more than 2 feet in height, on or over a show window or door of a store or business establishment, announcing without display or elaboration, only the name of the proprietor and the nature of the business.


Every commercial, business, industrial or institutional use located in a Non-Residential Zoning District may erect and maintain upon the structure of the building or portion of a building in which such use is maintained, either illuminated or non-illuminated signs. Only signs that identify or advertise the use located within the business’ space are permitted.

All wall signs must be 3-D channel letters and, if illuminated, be backlit or internally illuminated.

Wall signs may be attached to the exterior walls or other vertical surfaces of such buildings but may not extend beyond the parapet of such building provided further that the face of such signs shall be parallel to the face of the building. All bracing and support structures for signs visible from a street or residence shall be decorative or covered.

The total wall sign area on each building shall not exceed ten (10) percent of the building face.

No portion of a sign can project more than fourteen (14) inches beyond the face of the building, nor extend beyond the end of the building face.

Roof mounted signs are strictly prohibited.


There may be times when individual sites and/or businesses may present unique characteristics that could best be developed through the application of an alternative sign which departs from the channel letter requirement.  In such cases, the Municipal Manager can choose to send an alternative sign design to the Planning Commission for approval. If a business is interested in an alternative sign, please contact the Greenhills Municipal Manager’s office at 513-825-2100 to discuss your ideas for the sign and the approval process.   

TRANSPARENCY REQUIRED                         

Window and door signs should be kept to a minimum. The Greenhills Zoning Code requires there be a minimum of 50% transparency (transparent window and doors) for all facades.

 See Chapter 1149: Sign Regulations.



All properties within the Village Center are accessible from Winton Road, a major north/south vehicular artery that provides direct access to Interstate 275 which is located 4.2 miles to the north and State Route 126 (Ronald Reagan Highway) approximately three (3) miles to the south.

Traffic count = more than 30,000 cars, daily

The streets and parking areas surrounding the Greenhills Shopping Center (with the exception of some parking located right up to the building in the rear of the shopping center) are owned and maintained by the Village of Greenhills. 

The speed limit around the shopping center is 25 MPH, with the exception of Eswin Street between Endicott and Enfield.  In this section of Eswin the speed limit is 15 MPH.

Parking is limited to 2 hours, with the exception of parking in the rear of the Shopping Center which has a 12 hour limit.

Greenhills is served by Queen City Metro. There is a Park & Ride located behind the Shopping Center.

The Greenhills Commons is a beautiful public space and is not intended for any business operations.

Operating any portion of your business outside your leased space is prohibited unless you have applied for and received a conditional use permit from the Village of Greenhills.

Outside storage of any kind is prohibited.

Outdoor sales may occur for a limited time IF approved in advance by Greenhills.

Business fronts must have a minimum of 50% transparency (transparent windows and doors). 

Dumpsters should be kept within a 3-sided enclosure.

The public right-of-way should always be kept clear.  Do not place signage, plantings, or other items, or conduct private business on the right of way. 



Important Numbers:



Greenhills Zoning Department                     #825-2100

Greenhills Building Department                   #745-0370 

Hamilton County Public Health District         #946-7800

(For issues that threaten health, such as food, housing, landfills, plumbing, sewage, private water septic systems, solid waste, etc.) 

Gtr. Cincinnati Water Works                       #591-7700

Duke Energy                                   #1-800-544-6900       

Metropolitan Sewer District                        #352-4900

Greenhills Administrative Office                  #825-2100

Greenhills Police Dept.                              #825-2101






Greenhills is pleased to offer tax incentives to encourage private investment in the Village. The Community Reinvestment Area program is intended to promote revitalization by offering property tax exemptions for any increased property valuation that result from renovation of existing structures or new construction activities within the designated area.


Greenhills has 2 reinvestment area: 

The boundaries of the first CRA mirror – for the most part -- the Village’s historic district. It also includes the American Legion building and the former Johnny’s Toys building. Click here to view the map for CRA #1. A specific list of addresses included in CRA #1 can be viewed by clicking here.

The boundaries of the second CRA include Damon, Dayspring, Deerhill and industrial property located along Sharon Road. Click here to view the map for CRA #2.  A specific list of addresses included in CRA #2 can be viewed by clicking here. 

In either Area, if you are contemplating a residential project, you can view the exemption application by clicking here.

For both reinvestment areas, the percentage of the exempted amount and the term of the exemptions vary according to the type of investment, as indicated below:

1)75% tax exemption for 10 years for the remodeling of a residential structure containing not more than 2 housing units when the cost of remodeling is at least $2,500

2)75% tax exemption for 12 years for the remodeling of a residential structure containing not more than 3 housing units when the cost of remodeling is at least $5,000

3)75% tax exemption for 15 years for new construction of a building containing not more than 3 housing units

4)Up to a 75% tax exemption for up to 12 years, as negotiated on a case-by-case basis in advance of the project moving forward, for commercial remodeling projects and for residential remodeling projects involving more than 3 housing units

5)Up to a 75% tax exemption for up to 15 years, as negotiated on a case-by-case basis in advance of the project moving forward, for new construction of commercial facilities or residential projects involving more than 3 housing units


Village Administration
11000 Winton Road
Greenhills, Ohio

513.825.2370 (fax)

Village of Greenhills
Codified Ordinances

  Codified Ordinances

Located at (external site)

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